


Stockholm 30/08/2023

Wednesday: 13:09 We took the bus from Skillinge to Ystad then a train to Lund, Coffee in Mormors Bageri, Snälltåg to Stockholm, dinner on the train, bought a 7 day metro ticket then on to Farsta, Milk, cheese bread from Hemköp. Did not sleep very well.

Thursday: Breakfast of coffee, egg, bread, ham and cheese. Metro to Slussen then boat to Djurgården. Found the place Anna will have her knitting course. Met Ann Marie for lunch at Skrotens. I ate fish and chips and Anna cannelloni. Wandered together to Beckholmen which has a ship repair yard with three large dry docks. Said goodbye to Ann Marie and then we walked to Drottningatan. Anna bought T shirts. Coffee and then back to Farsta. Afternoon nap. Dinner at Kamarina a Greek restaurant. Taramasalata, Melitzanosalata, Soutzoukakia Smirneika with retsina which was quite good. Aubergine salad was not the usual type. Then home to Farsta.

Friday: It is raining now so after breakfast we just hung. At midday it stopped so we went over to Farsta Centre and Anna bought a blouse and trousers. Then we ate hamburger which was quite good. By surprise Suzanne and Hans were outside the centre and Anna rushed out to meet them. They were here in Stockholm for a birthday party of a friend. Later we went into Skanstull and walked along Norra Hammarbyhamnen and back to near the metro station via Sofia Kirka. We found another Greek restaurant, Faros which was OK. After 12 000 steps we returned home to Farsta.

Saturday: After breakfast Anna took the Metro to Slussen and then the first boat 09:00 to Djugården.

Her day was good and the course was up to her expectations. I waited until afternoon before I wandered in Södermalm. A street market was followed by Chinese at Fang Yuan Shi Wu, a hole in the wall. Soup with dumplings was quite good. I met Anna outside of her course and we took the boat and walked to Fotografiska. There was remarkable work by Peter Lindberg and Shirin Neshat. We ate in the restaurant, took a glass of wine in Södermalm and then home.

Sunday: Anna was at her knitting course. At lunch time I took the metro and wandered around Kungsholmstorg, where I lived for a couple of years in 91-92. I ate Sushi for lunch after which I walked in Gamla Stan. Stampen did not open until 17:00 which was too late for us. I met Anna from the boat and we wandered around Gamla Stan for a while. We took the metro back to Skanstull and found a not bad pizza. Then it was home to clean, pack and be ready for the journey home tomorrow.